Katie Basta

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

Major: Interior Architecture

Next Steps: Grad School to Complete my Masters of Architecture

What would your life at KU look like without St. Lawrence?
Without SLC, my life at KU would be a little more lonely. Not only has it brought me some great people and friendships but through opportunities with mentors, spiritual directors, and retreats I’ve also been able to solidify my identity in Christ and more confidently know my voice and what I stand for.

How are you called to continue to build community after college?
For two years after graduation, I’ll be completing grad school here, so even though I won’t be leaving I’ll have to create a new community since most of the people I’ve grown close to and had classes with will be leaving. I not only want to create a space for authenticity and real friendship, but I also want to live out a life of Christ and minister Him better to others. I’ve learned in my time here that it doesn’t take huge acts to spread God’s love, but the intentional actions with those in our everyday life. I have learned that we not only need to pour our gifts into others but we need to make sure we’re being filled too. I hope to build a community of people who will push me to do better as I also do the same for them.

Who has been one of your greatest guides at St. Lawrence? How did they guide you?
Sr. Elena has been one of the greatest guides in my time here and I wish I would have found her sooner than last year. She very humbly helps me through spiritual direction and all that I bring to her by meeting me in the situation and guiding me to Jesus where I can find what I need. She never judges or tells me exactly what I need to do but gives me the freedom to grow on my own in the right direction. She has been a place of comfort throughout this year.

How have you grown in interior freedom?
Through spiritual direction and Samuel Group, I have been given the tools to grow in interior freedom. It has been a process but the encouragement and vulnerability of my mentors and peers alike has opened my eyes to the freedom that it brings and has guided me on my own journey. I would often freeze under fear when discerning especially big life decisions, but by practicing interior freedom I’m about to open my heart to God’s will more to better serve and follow him.

Molly Hackett