Chad Coates

Hometown: Overland Park, KS

Major: Masters of Accounting

Next Steps: Moving to Chicago

What would your life at KU look like without St. Lawrence?
Being a convert, I spent 4 years at KU without the center—thank God for my 5th year! St. Lawrence provided a beautiful community for me when I was unsure what my 5th year would look like, as many of my friends had graduated and started jobs. The students and staff were so welcoming and kind in receiving me—that I felt at times like I had been around the center for much longer than one year!

How are you called to continue to build community after college?
My plan is to work with an accounting firm in Chicago. Having some experience in working in this field through internships, I have caught a glimpse of the difficulty of living the Catholic faith in the workspace. While it can be a daunting task, I am excited at the opportunity to bring the light of Christ into that space and walk with Him in Chicago.'

Who has been one of your greatest guides at St. Lawrence? How did they guide you?
So many! Father Mitchel, the sisters, the FOCUS missionaries, Reagan Dricken, Zach McGuiness, Will Long, etc. I see Christ in all of these people and it is beautiful.

How have you grown in interior freedom?
You don’t know yourself until you know Him. I can say that I have grown more in the past year (since my conversion in 2021) in experiencing/understanding myself than I have my entire life. It’s like I am encountering myself for the first time—it’s beautiful—and I think is indicative of growth in interior freedom.
A great priest once said that “each person isn’t a puzzle to solve, but a mystery to encounter.” I see that in myself now, and am relieved that I don’t have to have all the answers—but that through prayer, patience, and love, God will provide.

Describe a situation where your faith impacted someone else.
The Holy Spirit has been working incredibly in my life and in the lives of the people I am close with—my mom started taking RCIA, and both of my parents have been receptive to my conversion. It is so beautiful, and I am so blessed, to be able to share my faith with them, and for them to receive my experiences with love, even wanting to learn more through RCIA so that we can have a greater dialogue. All thanks to the Holy Spirit!

Molly Hackett